Details About Vrushabh Rashi
Zodiac Sign: Taurus
Sanskrit Name: Vrishabha
Name Meaning: Bull
Zodiac Element: Earth
Constellation: Rohini
Zodiac Traits: Beautiful, Ambitious, Practical, Strong, Smart
Lord Planet: Venus
Lucky Colors: Blue, Green, White
Lucky Gemstone: Platinum, Diamond
Lucky Day: Friday, Monday
Lucky Number: 6
Alphabets: B, V, U
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In this form, Siddhanta is used to get knowledge of the constellation of planets by using mathematics and Shakha which is useful in omen tests, symptom tests, and future prediction. Hora works in the context of making the horoscope.
Since ancient times in India, whenever a child is born in a house, the zodiac sign that is received from the Brahmin after seeing the Hora of that day, the name letters come in that zodiac. The tradition of naming a boy or a girl is going on from those letters.
In this way, according to the scriptures, you must have decided to name your boy or girl from the letters of Vrushabh Rashi (B, V, U). So you do not need to go any further because in this article we have presented a complete list of Vrushabh Rashi baby names. Here you will get to see the names of boys and girls based on the alphabet B, V, U of Vrushabh Rashi.
From here, which name you liked, do tell us by writing in the comment box given below, so that we can also know which names you like more.
Zodiac Sign: Taurus
Sanskrit Name: Vrishabha
Name Meaning: Bull
Zodiac Element: Earth
Constellation: Rohini
Zodiac Traits: Beautiful, Ambitious, Practical, Strong, Smart
Lord Planet: Venus
Lucky Colors: Blue, Green, White
Lucky Gemstone: Platinum, Diamond
Lucky Day: Friday, Monday
Lucky Number: 6
Alphabets: B, V, U
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Best Vrushabh Rashi Baby Names
In India, astrology has been very important since ancient times and is believed to be as ancient as our Vedas. Astrology in India has been useful in many works since traditional times. In which the Siddhanta, the Hora, and the Shakha are used mainly in three ways.In this form, Siddhanta is used to get knowledge of the constellation of planets by using mathematics and Shakha which is useful in omen tests, symptom tests, and future prediction. Hora works in the context of making the horoscope.
Since ancient times in India, whenever a child is born in a house, the zodiac sign that is received from the Brahmin after seeing the Hora of that day, the name letters come in that zodiac. The tradition of naming a boy or a girl is going on from those letters.
In this way, according to the scriptures, you must have decided to name your boy or girl from the letters of Vrushabh Rashi (B, V, U). So you do not need to go any further because in this article we have presented a complete list of Vrushabh Rashi baby names. Here you will get to see the names of boys and girls based on the alphabet B, V, U of Vrushabh Rashi.
Baby Boy & Baby Girl Names from B, V, U
According to the scriptures and rituals of India, here we have prepared for you a complete list of Hindu baby names based on the letters B, V, U of Vrushabh Rashi, which have been presented in some wonderful ways below. You can name your baby by choosing a suitable name from the list given here.From here, which name you liked, do tell us by writing in the comment box given below, so that we can also know which names you like more.
Best Baby Boy Names from B
Here you are given a list of Vrushabh Rashi 'B Letter Boy Names' from which you can choose a unique name for your baby boy.- Baabul
- Baadal
- Baalkrishan
- Baban
- Babu
- Babulal
- Badal
- Badrinath
- Bandit
- Badri
- Badrinarayan
- Badriprasad
- Bagira
- Bagirath
- Bahul
- Bahumany
- Baidyanath
- Baiju
- Bajeesh
- Bajinat
- Bajrang
- Bajrangi
- Bakool
- Bala
- Baladitya
- Balachandra
- Baladhi
- Balagopal
- Balagovind
- Balaji
- Balakrishna
- Balam
- Balamani
- Balamurali
- Balaram
- Balavan
- Balavant
- Balbeer
- Balbhadra
- Baldev
- Balgopal
- Balgovind
- Bali
- Balraj
- Balu
- Balveer
- Balwindra
- Balwan
- Bandan
- Bandhul
- Bandin
- Bandish
- Banit
- Bankim
- Bankimchadra
- Bansal
- Banshi
- Banshidhar
- Banshik
- Bansi
- Bansuri
- Banti
- Barid
- Barin
- Barshan
- Basant
- Basu
- Basudev
- Batuk
- Benoy
- Bibhakar
- Bibhanshu
- Bibhas
- Bibhavasu
- Bibhishan
- Bibhu
- Bidur
- Bidwan
- Bihan
- Bijal
- Bijay
- Bijesh
- Bijoy
- Bikash
- Bikram
- Bikshrul
- Bilva
- Bimal
- Binay
- Binayak
- Bindra
- Binit
- Binod
- Binodan
- Binoj
- Binoy
- Bipin
- Bir
- Biraj
- Birbal
- Birendra
- Birju
- Bishakh
- Bishal
- Bismeet
- Bisva
- Biswajit
- Biswas
- Biswit
- Bittu
- Bivhan
- Bodhan
- Boudik
- Bragin
- Brahma
- Brahmabrata
- Brahmadatta
- Brahmanand
- Brahmanya
- Brahmjeet
- Brahmvir
- Braj
- Brajen
- Brajendra
- Brajesh
- Brahma
- Branesh
- Brihadish
- Brihat
- Brij
- Brijen
- Brijendra
- Brijesh
- Brijmohan
- Brijraj
- Briyan
- Brujendra
- Brujsh
- Buddhinath
Best Baby Girl Names from B
Here you are given a list of Vrushabh Rashi 'B Letter Girl Names' from which you can choose a unique name for your baby girl.
- Bakula
- Bandita
- Bandini
- Badrika
- Bandhura
- Banmala
- Banita
- Babli
- Babita
- Babbi
- Barkha
- Barnali
- Barhina
- Baruna
- Baruni
- Barsha
- Bavita
- Basanti
- Bansari
- Bahnnisikha
- Bahugandha
- Bahudha
- Bahuratna
- Bahurupa
- Bahula
- Bageshri
- Bandhavi
- Baani
- Bani
- Banu
- Bandana
- Bamini
- Bala
- Bali
- Bavanya
- Bawari
- Binkal
- Bitika
- Bidiya
- Bindiya
- Bidisha
- Binduja
- Bidhya
- Bindra
- Bindhya
- Binaya
- Binal
- Binisha
- Bini
- Binita
- Bindu
- Binny
- Bipasha
- Bimla
- Bianna
- Birva
- Bilvani
- Bilva
- Bishakha
- Bisala
- Bisma
- Bijal
- Beena
- Binu
- Bibina
- Buddhida
- Bumika
- Bulbul
- Buvana
- Brinda
- Brindavani
- Brindha
- Brundha
- Benisha
- Benita
- Benu
- Baby
- Bela
- Belina
- Baijanti
- Bairavi
- Baisakhi
- Bobby
- Bonita
- Brahmi
- Bristi
- Brunda
- Brishti
Best Baby Boy Names from V
Here you are given a list of Vrushabh Rashi 'V Letter Boy Names' from which you can choose a unique name for your baby boy.
- Vakul
- Vakratund
- Vakrabhuj
- Vakshan
- Vaksharaj
- Vachan
- Vaj
- Vajasani
- Vajendra
- Vajeshan
- Vajrajit
- Vajratulya
- Vajradhar
- Vajranath
- Vajrapathi
- Vajrabha
- Vajramani
- Vajrashri
- Vajraang
- Vajratik
- Vajranandha
- Vajrendra
- Vajresh
- Vajreswar
- Vatsa
- Vatsar
- Vatsal
- Vandan
- Vadanya
- Vandit
- Vandesh
- Vanajit
- Vanad
- Vanmalee
- Vanraj
- Vanan
- Vanhi
- Varad
- Varadaraj
- Varisth
- Varunesh
- Varuta
- Varun
- Varendra
- Varenya
- Varn
- Varnit
- Vartik
- Vardhaman
- Vardh
- Vardhan
- Vardham
- Vardhit
- Varman
- Varshil
- Varshit
- Varshesh
- Vallabh
- Vansh
- Vasisht
- Vamshi
- Vanshya
- Vanshil
- Vasant
- Vasava
- Vagindra
- Vageesh
- Vagish
- Vagisan
- Vachaspati
- Vaanee
- Vatsyayan
- Vadin
- Vadish
- Vanish
- Vaaman
- Vaman
- Vaideesh
- Vaayu
- Vayu
- Vayun
- Vayunand
- Varid
- Varin
- Variya
- Varish
- Vaarush
- Varen
- Varesh
- Vartanu
- Valak
- Valmiki
- Vashiq
- Vaasu
- Vasu
- Vasuki
- Vasuki
- Vaasudeva
- Vikat
- Vikarsh
- Vikarnan
- Vikaas
- Viksar
- Vikunth
- Viken
- Vikram
- Vikramajit
- Vikramaditya
- Vikrant
- Vikranth
- Viksit
- Viskheet
- Vikhyat
- Vignesh
- Vigrah
- Vighnesh
- Vichear
- Vijay
- Vijayant
- Vijayaraj
- Vijayendra
- Vijayesh
- Vijul
- Vijeta
- Vijesh
- Vithala
- Vitasta
- Vitul
- Vittesh
- Vidarbh
- Vidvan
- Vidit
- Vidipt
- Vidish
- Vidip
- Vidur
- Viduraj
- Videh
- Vidhyadeep
- Vidyadhar
- Vidhyan
- Vidyut
- Vidyot
- Vidwans
- Vidhu
- Vidhesh
- Vinand
- Vinamr
- Vinay
- Vinayak
- Vinal
- Vinash
- Viniray
- Vinil
- Vinish
- Vineet
- Vinit
- Vineel
- Vinul
- Vinu
- Vinek
- Vinetra
- Vineesh
- Vinesh
- Vinochan
- Vinoj
- Vinoth
- Vindhan
- Vinnu
- Vipan
- Vipreet
- Vipin
- Vipul
- Vipen
- Vipra
- Viplav
- Vibhav
- Vibhakar
- Vibhat
- Vibhavasu
- Vibhas
- Vibhu
- Vibhut
- Vibhor
- Vimarth
- Vimarsh
- Vimahat
- Vimukt
- Vimesh
- Vimochan
- Viyank
- Viyam
- Viaan
- Viyan
- Viranchi
- Viral
- Viraj
- Virajesh
- Virinch
- Virudh
- Virochan
- Vilok
- Vilokan
- Vilochan
- Vivaj
- Vivatma
- Vivansh
- Vivasvan
- Vivang
- Vivan
- Vivash
- Vivas
- Vividh
- Vivek
- Vivekanand
- Viven
- Vishak
- Visakh
- Vishatan
- Vishad
- Vishaal
- Vishal
- Vishalya
- Vishikh
- Visisht
- Vishu
- Vishesh
- Vishok
- Vishodhan
- Vishraj
- Vishram
- Vishrut
- Vishresh
- Vishv
- Vishwankar
- Vishvag
- Vishvajit
- Viswajit
- Vishwat
- Vishwanath
- Viswanath
- Vishwambhar
- Vishvam
- Vishwam
- Vishwaroop
- Vishwant
- Vishwatma
- Vishvas
- Vishvesh
- Vishwesh
- Vishadh
- Vishti
- Vaishnav
- Vishnu
- Vishnurat
- Visarg
- Viswant
- Viseth
- Visna
- Vismay
- Vihang
- Viharsh
- Vihaan
- Vihar
- Veekshan
- Veenod
- Veer
- Vir
- Veerjot
- Veeran
- Viran
- Veernish
- Veerbhadra
- Veeral
- Viransh
- Virasana
- Veeru
- Veerender
- Virender
- Viren
- Veeresh
- Viresh
- Veerottam
- Virya
- Vrujal
- Vrut
- Vritansh
- Vrandan
- Vrishank
- Vrushank
- Vrushal
- Vrushin
- Vrisag
- Vrushag
- Vrishab
- Vrishin
- Vrushnik
- Vrisa
- Venkatesh
- Venkadan
- Venki
- Vegh
- Vedgnah
- Ven
- Veni
- Venu
- Ved
- Vedatman
- Vedati
- Vedaprakash
- Vedbhushan
- Veday
- Vedraj
- Vedang
- Vedant
- Veydant
- Vedanth
- Vedarth
- Vedansh
- Vedanshu
- Vedhish
- Vedesh
- Vedoday
- Velraj
- Vaikunth
- Vaikhan
- Vaijnath
- Vaijayi
- Vaijinath
- Vaid
- Vaidik
- Vaidesh
- Vaidyanath
- Vainavin
- Vaibudh
- Vaibhav
- Vairaj
- Vairaja
- Vairochan
- Vaiwaswat
- Vaisaka
- Vaishant
- Vaishy
- Vaishwanar
- Vaishvik
- Vaishnav
- Vyankit
- Vyan
- Vyam
- Vyansh
- Vyas
- Vyom
- Vyomakesh
- Vyomang
- Vyomdev
- Vyomesh
- Vraj
- Vrajanadan
- Vrajmohan
- Vrajalal
- Vrajesh
- Vrijesh
- Vratesh
- Vrusat
Best Baby Girl Names from V
Here you are given a list of Vrushabh Rashi 'V Letter Girl Names' from which you can choose a unique name for your baby girl.
- Vanjan
- Vajramala
- Vajra
- Vatsala
- Vatsaa
- Vandana
- Vandita
- Vanaja
- Vanajakshi
- Vanmayi
- Vanamala
- Vanlataa
- Vanaja
- Vanani
- Vanita
- Vanisha
- Vanishta
- Vaneesha
- Vanishree
- Vanya
- Varada
- Vardani
- Varalaxmi
- Varisha
- Varunavi
- Varuna
- Varuni
- Varenya
- Varchaa
- Varna
- Varnika
- Vrushika
- Varnisha
- Varshitha
- Varsha
- Valsala
- Vallabha
- Vallabhi
- Vallari
- Vallika
- Valli
- Vashanja
- Vanshika
- Vanshi
- Vasanta
- Vasanti
- Vasanthi
- Vasuda
- Vasudha
- Vasudhara
- Vagini
- Vagisha
- Vaageswari
- Vagishwari
- Vageeswari
- Vagdevi
- Vachi
- Vachya
- Vaani
- Vamdevi
- Vamsee
- Vamakshi
- Vamika
- Vamil
- Vaya
- Viya
- Vayuna
- Varaa
- Varija
- Vari
- Vahini
- Vikasini
- Viksha
- Vijayanti
- Vijayambika
- Vijayalakshmi
- Vijaya
- Vidisha
- Vidula
- Vidula
- Vidhya
- Vidyul
- Vidhi
- Vinanti
- Vinaya
- Vinisha
- Vini
- Vineeta
- Vineela
- Vipasa
- Vibha
- Vibhuti
- Vibhusha
- Vimala
- Vimitha
- Vimudha
- Viyoni
- Virali
- Vilina
- Viva
- Viviksha
- Viveka
- Vishakha
- Vishali
- Vishuddhi
- Vishoka
- Vishruta
- Vishwaja
- Visva
- Vaishnavi
- Vishnupriya
- Vismaya
- Vismita
- Vihangi
- Viha
- Vihana
- Vekshna
- Veena
- Vithika
- Vira
- Vumika
- Vruta
- Vritti
- Vrutika
- Vrinda
- Vrundita
- Vrddhi
- Vrunali
- Vrushali
- Vrushita
- Vrisha
- Vrushangi
- Vrishti
- Vrushti
- Vetali
- Vetri
- Vedhashree
- Veda
- Vedanti
- Vedhika
- Vedha
- Vennila
- Venisha
- Venya
- Veronika
- Vaikha
- Vaiga
- Vaijantimala
- Vaijanti
- Vaijayanti
- Vaidehi
- Vainavi
- Vaibhavi
- Vaishavi
- Vaishali
- Vaishu
- Vaishvi
- Vaishnavi
- Vyasti
- Vyanjana
- Vyapti
- Vyushti
- Vyoma
Best Baby Boy Names from U
Here you are given a list of Vrushabh Rashi 'U Letter Boy Names' from which you can choose a unique name for your baby boy.
- Ucathya
- Ukesh
- Ugresh
- Uchit
- Uchith
- Ujayan
- Ujagar
- Ujas
- Ujendra
- Ujesh
- Ujjan
- Ujjay
- Ujjal
- Ujjwal
- Uttej
- Utkarsh
- Utkal
- Uttank
- Utanka
- Uttam
- Uttamesh
- Uttar
- Uttarak
- Utraksh
- Utpal
- Utvik
- Utsarg
- Utsav
- Udant
- Uday
- Udayan
- Udar
- Udarsh
- Udit
- Udirn
- Uddip
- Udeep
- Uddish
- Uddunath
- Udupati
- Uddesh
- Uddhar
- Udbhav
- Uddhav
- Uddhish
- Udyam
- Udyan
- Udhyot
- Unnat
- Unnatish
- Unnabh
- Unmesh
- Upkar
- Upkash
- Upjay
- Upjit
- Upal
- Upved
- Upang
- Upanshu
- Upeksh
- Upendra
- Upesh
- Ubhay
- Umang
- Umanant
- Umay
- Umank
- Umakant
- Umakar
- Umanand
- Umapathi
- Umaprasad
- Umal
- Umashankar
- Umit
- Umed
- Umesh
- Umaid
- Urv
- Urav
- Urjit
- Urmit
- Urvaksh
- Urvang
- Urvash
- Urvik
- Urvish
- Ulkesh
- Ullas
- Ulhas
- Ushmil
- Ushik
- Ushang
Best Baby Girl Names from U
Here you are given a list of Vrushabh Rashi 'U Letter Girl Names' from which you can choose a unique name for your baby girl.
- Ukta
- Ukti
- Ukthin
- Ujali
- Ujasi
- Ujesha
- Ujjaini
- Ujjwala
- Utra
- Utisha
- Utpatti
- Utsavi
- Utsa
- Uthami
- Udaya
- Udvita
- Udita
- Uditi
- Udisha
- Udipti
- Udyati
- Unnati
- Upeksha
- Upagna
- Upagnah
- Upagya
- Upada
- Upda
- Upadhriti
- Upama
- Upala
- Upasthiti
- Upasana
- Ubika
- Umangi
- Umarani
- Uma
- Umadevi
- Umika
- Umisha
- Urna
- Uruvi
- Urjita
- Urmi
- Urmika
- Urmimala
- Urmila
- Urmisha
- Urmesha
- Urvaja
- Urvana
- Urvashi
- Urva
- Urvika
- Urvija
- Urvin
- Urvila
- Urvi
- Urshita
- Urshila
- Ulka
- Unshika
- Ushika
- Ushila
- Usha
- Ushamani
- Ushasri
- Ushma
- Urja
More : Mesh Rashi Baby Names
More : Mithun Rashi Baby Names
More : Kark Rashi Baby Names
More : Sinh Rashi Baby Names
More : Kanya Rashi Baby Names
More : Tula Rashi Baby Names
More : Vrishchik Rashi Baby Names
More : Dhanu Rashi Baby Names
More : Makar Rashi Baby Names
More : Kumbh Rashi Baby Names
More : Meen Rashi Baby Names
According to Indian scriptures and rituals, the list of names of boys and girls has been published in front of you from the alphabet B, V, U of Vrushabh Rashi.
NOTE: Do tell us how you liked the names given here, if you have names related to the letter Vrushabh Rashi (B, V, U) which have not been recorded here, then do tell us by writing them in the ‘Comment Box’ below.
Rangeeloo is now also available on your social media so don't forget to follow. So follow us on YouTube | Facebook | Instagram | Twitter | Threads | Pinterest
NOTE: Do tell us how you liked the names given here, if you have names related to the letter Vrushabh Rashi (B, V, U) which have not been recorded here, then do tell us by writing them in the ‘Comment Box’ below.
Rangeeloo is now also available on your social media so don't forget to follow. So follow us on YouTube | Facebook | Instagram | Twitter | Threads | Pinterest